Schedules and Maps
Transit Apps and Online Tools
Where's my bus:
Use Where's my bus to find your next bus in real time at
Service alerts and detour information included!
Trip Planner:
Plan your trip with Google Maps trip planner.
The trip planner uses Transit Windsor’s published schedule and route information.
Transit App:
On your mobile device, plan your trip and locate the next bus.
Download at the iOS Transit App or Android Transit App from your app store.
Moovit App:
Get around town effectively and conveniently with the free iOS Moovit App, Android Moovit App or Moovit on the web.
Passengers are reminded to board at the front doors and exit at the rear doors.
Routes and Schedules
To view our regular schedules and maps, click on the appropriate route in the chart below.
Detours and Holidays
- Please also view current detours and our holiday schedules for changes that may take place throughout the year.
Schedule and Route Map | Description |
Route 115 | Windsor International Transit Terminal to St. Clair College |
Route 305 | Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare to St. Clair College |
418X | Tecumseh Mall to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, including service to the University of Windsor |
Tecumseh Mall Terminal to St. Clair College via Devonshire Mall | |
Windsor International Transit Terminal to Devonshire Mall | |
Forest Glade to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal, via the Windsor International Transit Terminal | |
Tecumseh Mall Terminal to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal | |
Central 3 | Transit Centre to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal, including Deziel Drive Business Centre |
Ottawa 4 | Lauzon Parkway to Windsor International Transit Terminal, including service to Tecumseh Mall |
Dominion 5 See Route 115 above |
Eliminated August 31, 2024 - See Route 115 above. |
Windsor International Transit Terminal to St. Clair College | |
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal to Legacy Park/Silver City, including service to St. Clair College and Devonshire Mall | |
Windsor International Transit Terminal to Legacy Park/Silver City | |
Tecumseh Mall to Cora Greenwood and Wyandotte, Forest Glade and Banwell with service to WFCU Centre The temporary route adjustment will be in place until the implementation of Route 250. | |
Windsor International Transit Terminal to Devonshire Mall, including Remington Park | |
LaSalle 25 | St. Clair College to Front Road |
Downtown Windsor to and from Downtown Detroit | |
Leamington LTW42 | St. Clair College to Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex |
Amherstburg Route 605 | Amherstburg to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal |
Schedule Guidelines
- Time points listed in the schedule are approximate.
- Individual bus schedules are subject to traffic and weather conditions.
- Please make reasonable allowances when arriving at boarding points.
- Schedule and route changes may occur without advance notification.
Large Print and Braille
Braille and large print schedules are available upon request. Contact 311 to request Braille or large print schedules.
Transit Windsor
3700 North Service Road East
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 5X2
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquires, call 519-944-4111.
Fax: 519-944-5121