Dog Licence
Dog licence fees are being waived if you own a dog that is spayed/neutered AND microchipped. Please complete (in full) the online application with payment and attach proof of spay/neuter and microchip. Once verified a refund will be processed for you.
Every person who owns or harbours a dog in the City of Windsor is required under By-law 245-2004 to register the dog and purchase a dog licence.
- A dog tag is to be securely fixed on the dog at all times until the tag is renewed or replaced.
- Failure to renew a dog licence before the February 1st deadline will result in penalties and/or possible charges under By-law 245-2004.
- A maximum of three (3) dogs per home is allowed
A spay or neuter certificate or veterinarian's certificate is required for dogs that are newly acquired or recently altered.
Within ten (10) days of becoming the guardian of a dog two (2) months of age or older, you must obtain a dog licence. Please see first column in the chart below for fees under column marked "Purchased Before Feb. 1."
Before February 1st of every year, you must renew your dog licence(s) or be subject to late fees. Please see both charts under all columns.
Dog Status | Purchased Before February 1 | February 1 to June 30 | July 1 to December 31 |
1st Spayed or Neutered | $17.00 | $32.00 | $47.00 |
2nd Spayed or Neutered | $17.00 | $32.00 | $47.00 |
3rd Spayed or Neutered | $17.00 | $32.00 | $47.00 |
1st Unaltered male or female | $34.00 | $66.00 | $98.00 |
2nd Unaltered male or female | $34.00 | $66.00 | $98.00 |
3rd Unaltered male or female | $34.00 | $66.00 | $98.00 |
Getting your dog's licence tag has never been easier! Apply online and each eligible licensed dog will receive a $20 voucher to Ren's Pets.
- Access the online application here and create a MyWindsor account to experience a streamlined application. Or sign in with Google.
- After the first application, you can access your past applications at any time, and future renewals will be simple: just click review/update your information and pay. Your MyWindsor account can also be used for other City of Windsor online services too.
- Once your MyWindsor account is created, you may change it at any time in the MyWindsor Portal. This includes the ability to link your account to Google.
- Note: Google sign-in is currently in beta phase.
Please note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there may be restrictions placed on in-person transactions. Please contact the respective agency prior to attending. We strongly encourage utilizing our online service.
The Licensing Division at City Hall is currently closed for all in-person licence transactions.
Or purchase at the following locations:
Windsor-Essex County Humane Society
1375 Provincial Road
Phone: 519-966-5751 - City of Windsor Customer Care Centres
Renewal notices are typically sent annually in the last week of November.
Mail a cheque or money order (payable to the City of Windsor) along with your completed form to the following address:
Licensing Division
Suite 110 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Office of the City Clerk
Policy, Gaming, Licensing & By-Law Enforcement
Licensing Division
Suite 110 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Business, Animal, and Lottery Licensing:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (except holidays) -
By-law Enforcement Unit (400 City Hall Square East, Suite 402):
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (except holidays)
- For general information, call 311.
- For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-6200, option 1.
(519) 255-6868