
2023 Report On the State of our Environment

The 2023 Report On the State of our Environment builds on the 2017 report and provides data up to 2022 for most indicators. The five sections of the report cover air quality, water quality, responsible land use, resource efficiency and public awareness. 

Child painting flower mural

Environmental Master Plan

The City of Windsor has approved the 2017 Environmental Master Plan. Visit our Environmental Master Plan page for more details.

Homeowner Reminders to Help Save your Sewer

Have you recently received a door hanger of educational information on fats, oils and grease (FOG) and "flushable" wipes? The Public Works Department wants to share some reminders about how to help protect your home's plumbing and your sewer connections, more specifically, what you should avoid flushing down your sink drains and toilets. For more detailed information, visit our web pages on FOG and "Flushable" Wipes or click the image below to see our door hanger.

Climate Change Emergency Declaration

On Monday, November 18, 2019, City Council unanimously agreed to declare a climate change emergency in Windsor. The City of Windsor joined over 400 communities across Canada with its declaration. The Climate Change Emergency Declaration is a great step forward as we continue to prepare for Windsor-Essex's climate future.

In response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration, administration prepared a report titled Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration. Council approved this report on May 4, 2020.

Climate Change Adaptation Update

Degrees of Change logoThe City of Windsor's updated 2020 Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Climate Change Impacts in Windsor - A Technical Document were approved by City Council on Monday, June 15, 2020.

You can also read the City's 2012 Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Appendices or visit the Adaptation website to learn more.

Weather photo of a flooded park

Community Energy Plan

Windsor's Community Engergy Plan, a powerful plan for the futureThe Community Energy Plan was approved by City Council on Monday, July 17, 2017. For more information, please visit the Community Energy Plan web pages. Or, check out our videos, available in the shorter Community Energy Plan Ad or our full-length Community Energy Plan Education Video!
Energy Plan ad video linkEnergy Plan education video link

Residential Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program

The energy we consume to heat, cool, and power our homes accounts for 22% of Windsor's total energy use and 21% of Windsor's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions according to the 2019 Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

Collage of homes and retrofitting projects in progress

In alignment with The City of Windsor's Community Energy Plan (CEP) Strategy 1, the Residential Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit program has ambitious targets to significantly reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions of Windsor's residential sector and provide visible energy cost savings to homeowners. The program aims to accomplish the following:

  • Retrofit 80% of all homes (single-detached, semi-detached, and townhomes) built prior to 2018 and at least 20 years old at the time of application.
  • Achieve an average of 20% improvement in water efficiency, 35% improvement in energy efficiency, and up to 60% reduction in GHG emissions
  • Offer standardized home retrofit packages to address the most common high-energy uses in homes (i.e. space heating, water heating, heat loss through building envelop [walls, windows, doors, roofs, etc.])

Community Engagement: Stay tuned for our community engagement schedule.

2017 Windsor Report On the State of the Environment

The 2017 Report on the State of the Environment (ROSE) provides data collected from 2007 in general through 2016. The trends from the indicators from the Environmental Master Plan are found in the ROSE and show Windsor’s environmental progress.

City approves Sustainable Purchasing Policy and GuideSapling in a green shopping cart

The City of Windsor Sustainable Procurement Guide is full of information about what to ask for when trying to find environmentally friendly products at home or at work! It also provides information on which environmental certifications to look for and includes products in a number of categories, including cleaning products, furniture, office supplies, landscaping and even food.

Wastewater: Where does it go?

Ever wonder what happens to water when you flush the toilet? Do laundry? Wash your car? Watch our video, Waste Water: Where Does it Go? to find out.

Visit our Environmental Services pages to learn about wastewater treatment and how to properly dispose of waste products. The City of Windsor's Downspout Disconnection program is also available for residents who would like to divert clean rainwater collected on the roof from the sewer system.

Environment History


In 2005, the City of Windsor started on the path of environmental actions with its first Environmental Master Plan. The City then developed many other plans to help balance the environment with Windsor’s economy and social atmosphere.

The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office has helped make the environment a part of decision making for the City of Windsor. This has been through the creation of many plans and policies, which include:

  • Environmental Master Plan (2017)
  • Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2012)
  • Community Energy Plan (2017)
  • Corporate Climate Action Plan (2017)
  • Report On the State of our Environment (2023)
  • Green the Fleet Manual (2012)
  • Community Garden Policy
  • Sustainable Procurement Guide (2023)


The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office is responsible for spearheading the different environmentally focused plans of the City of Windsor. The plans the Office is responsible for are:

  • Environmental Master Plan (2017)
  • Community Energy Plan (2017)
  • Corporate Climate Action Plan (2017)
  • Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2012)

The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office also conducts regular public engagements to ensure the community’s knowledge and awareness of different environmental topics. The office is also responsible in part for the development and support of community gardens in the City of Windsor. The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office aims to promote environmentally responsible behaviours for both the Corporation of the City of Windsor and the Windsor community.

The image below and background above show the different plans by the City of Windsor that the Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office is involved in. Although the Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office has three core plans, it has provided input on a number of other plans. This helps indicate that the environment is embedded throughout the City of Windsor; many of these other plans involve the public, which indicates that the environment is also the responsibility of Windsor residents.

Plans the Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change office is responsible for

Environmental Master Plan

The City of Windsor approved the 2017 Environmental Master Plan (EMP) in March 2018. The EMP is a guidance document for the City of Windsor to address environmental issues. A simple vision led to a set of goals that formed the foundation for municipal action to improve the City’s environment. Through this plan, we aspire to make Windsor cleaner, greener, healthier, and more sustainable. Most of the actions refer to the Corporations of the City of Windsor’s activities and operations, underpinning its intent of leading residents, industry, and stakeholders by example. The EMP reflects the City’s commitment to enhancing environmental performance and facilitating social well-being and economic prosperity. This update is the renewal of that perpetual commitment. Visit the Environmental Master Plan pages to learn more.

Community Energy Plan

The Community Energy Plan (CEP) looks at all these activities and recommends strategies for a smart energy future. The CEP is a long-term plan that identifies ways to support Windsor’s local economy by increasing competitiveness and creating jobs in the energy sector, and it serves as a business retention strategy as well. The CEP also identifies ways to improve energy efficiency, improve energy security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while contributing to the overall quality of life of the Windsor community. The CEP describes and quantifies the types of energy used in the entire Windsor community by homes, buildings, and travel, and explores how population, employment and land use impact Windsor’s energy needs. Visit the Community Energy Plan site to learn more.

Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change mitigation consists of actions that aim to minimize climate change (reduce greenhouse gas emissions). These actions are proactive and can be done on varying levels (individual, local, provincial, etc.). As a measure to mitigate climate change impacts, the City of Windsor has created two plans: the Community Energy Plan (2017); and the Corporate Climate Action Plan (2017) to provide guidance to the City of Windsor for actions to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Change Adaptation

Climate change adaptation consists of actions that are conducted in response to impacts of climate change. Windsor has started experiencing the effects of climate change, for example, more severe storms with flooding as a consequence. The City of Windsor is working to continually to identify the possible impacts of climate change. In 2012, the City of Windsor approved the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. In 2018, the City of Windsor is undertaking a review/redevelopment of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Degrees of Change. An example of an adaptation measure being studied for the plan are shade structures.

For more information on environmental initiatives:

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact emp@citywindsor.ca by email.