90% Recreation Discount

The 90% Recreation Discount is a fee subsidy that provides affordable access to recreational, artistic and cultural programs for Windsor-Essex residents and households living with low income. The program subsidizes eligible residents for 90% off the program registration fee (before taxes). Before applying, please review the program guidelines and eligibility criteria below. Please note that program eligibility may differ across municipalities.

To apply for or further inquire about the program, residents can contact their local municipal recreation department:

Municipality Phone Number Email Other Information
City of Windsor 519-255-1161 p2pprogram@citywindsor.ca N/A
Town of LaSalle 519-969-7771, ext. 1235 Email LaSalle Recreation Department N/A
Town of Kingsville 519-733-2123 programs@kingsville.ca Application Form (Kingsville)
Town of Essex 519-776-7336, ext. 1350 Email Essex Recreation and Culture Online Application (Essex)
Municipality of Leamington 519-322-2337 Email Leamington Recreation Department Online Application (Leamington)
Town of Tecumseh 519-735-4756, ext. 425 recreation@tecumseh.ca N/A
Municipality of Lakeshore 519-728-2700 recinfo@lakeshore.ca Application Form (Lakeshore)
Town of Amherstburg 519-736-5712, ext. 2102 P2P@amherstburg.ca Application Form (Amherstburg)

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility for the 90% Recreation Discount is based on the income of all members within the household, as well as family size and availability of funding. To apply for the program, applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and submit required documents. Please refer to the Eligibility Requirements web page for detailed information.

Eligible and Ineligible Programs

  • Funding is allocated to sustained programs that involve sport, physical, cultural or artistic activity.
  • Programs should be a minimum of five weeks in duration and include at least one session per week. In the case of day camps or specialty camps, the program must last at least five consecutive days for consideration.
  • Ineligible programs include competitive activities, travel teams, fitness centre orientations, personal training and private lessons.
  • Funding covers program registration fees. Funding does not cover equipment and material costs.

Funding Details, Restrictions and Parameters

  • Funding availability is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Funding is available per eligible person per calendar year.
  • Responsibility for informing their municipal service provider of changes to financial, residency or other circumstances pertaining to the Recreation Discount Program application and eligibility is the responsibility of the program participant. The program participant must notify their municipality of changes within thirty (30) days of the change taking effect.
  • Program eligibility is non-transferable between individuals.
  • Approved funding must be used within the calendar year. Funding is not transferable from one year to the next.
  • All approvals will be determined by the local recreation department and are subject to local demands and budgets.
  • The subsidy extends to eligible programs and services directly delivered by municipal recreation departments and approved service organizations within Windsor-Essex County. (To check if a service organization is approved, please contact your local recreation department.)
  • Payment is either issued directly to the program provider or you can request a reimbursement if the registration fees were paid in advance. (Note: If you are requesting a reimbursement, it must be done within thirty [30] days of payment.)