Open Streets Windsor
Thank You for Joining Us on the Open Streets!
The Open Streets 2024 East End Edition took place on Sunday, September 22, 2024. This year's event featured many new and exciting things to explore, including a brand-new route, and thousands came out to ride, walk, explore and enjoy this exciting community activity.
View the 2024 route map and check out our hub activity list and map to see the many activities and community partners that were on display at Open Streets Windsor 2024!
Share Your Thoughts!
If you visited Open Streets Windsor 2024 East End Edition, we'd love to hear from you!
Please take a few moments to share your feedback through our 2024 Open Streets Windsor attendee survey.
What is Open Streets about?
Open Streets events have been held in over 100 cities in North America and involve the temporary closure of roadways to vehicular traffic, allowing people to use them for a host of healthy and fun physical activities like walking, cycling, yoga, dancing and fitness.
As thousands have witnessed over the years, Open Streets Windsor is about more than providing a space for people to walk, cycle, roller blade, etc. — It is about engaging the community, and providing a chance to explore the streets and neighbourhoods of our city in a brand new way!
The goals of Open Streets Windsor are to:
- Encourage active transportation and physical activity;
- Encourage community building activities;
- Promote community-led active living initiatives;
- Showcase recently improved streetscapes;
- Provide an opportunity for local businesses and organizations to participate along the route.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Title Sponsors

Entertainment Sponsor
HUB Sponsors
Media Partners

Looking Back at Open Streets 2023
Open Streets Windsor "The Big 8" Kilometre Edition (and the Rosalie Trombley Community Celebration) took place on Sunday, September 17, 2023, and the community came out once again to enjoy the festivities on a truly beautiful day. Thank you to all of our volunteers, community partners and everyone who attended!
Please enjoy our Flickr photo gallery and "Sights and Sounds" video to relive the highlights of Open Streets Windsor "The Big 8" Kilometre Edition:
Best of Windsor Essex Award Winner
2019: Best Festival – Street Event
Follow us and tag photos: #OSWindsor
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact us at:
Open Streets Windsor
Stephanie Marshall
Coordinator, Special Events
2450 McDougall Street, Windsor, Ontario, N8X 3N6
Phone: 519-253-2300 ext. 2716