3930 and 3950 Sixth Concession Road

Applicant: Andi Shallvari, Generation Development Contractors Inc.
Agent: Mike Davis, Siv-ik Planning and Design Inc.– mdavis@siv-ik.ca

File No: Z008-24 [ZNG-7184] & OPA 185 [OPA-7185]

The applicant is requesting an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 to rezone the subject parcels from Residential District 1.4 (RD1.4) and Residential District 1.2 (RD1.2) to Residential District 2.5 (RD2.5) with a site-specific provision to permit townhome dwellings. The proposed development consists of 16 dwelling units and 8 additional dwelling units (ADUs) for a total of 24 dwelling units in four townhome dwellings with a maximum height of 12 metres over three storeys. A total of 40 parking spaces are proposed (16 spaces within 16 garages, 16 spaces in front of the garages and 8 parallel parking spaces). The front lot line is the lot line adjacent to Ducharme Street. Vehicular access is from Ducharme Street. Currently, the site includes a residential dwelling, vegetation, a driveway and vehicular access to Sixth Concession Road. The proposed residential parcel has a lot area of 3,335.5 square metres, lot width of 55.2 metres and lot depth of 60.8 metres.

The applicant is also seeking an Official Plan amendment to remove the lands from the North Roseland Secondary Plan Area to permit townhome dwellings.

The parcels are designated as Residential on Schedule D: Land Use on the City of Windsor Official Plan and Low Profile Residential on Schedule NR2-7: Land Use Designations in the North Roseland Secondary Plan in Volume II Chapter 3 of the Official Plan.

The conceptual site plan is subject to change. The development as proposed is subject to Site Plan Control.

Associated Documents:

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Diana Radulescu
Planner II - Development
Planning Department
3rd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6918

Fax: 519-255-6544

Adam Szymczak
Senior Planner - Development
Planning Department
3rd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Email: aszymczak@citywindsor.ca
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6250
Fax: 519-255-6544