Forest Glade North Servicing Environmental Assessment
The City of Windsor has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate options for providing new municipal services to the Forest Glade North Secondary Plan area. These services will include sanitary and storm sewers, stormwater management systems, and new roadways.
The study will build on the conclusions of the Forest Glade North Secondary Plan and further evaluate and recommend solutions in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities, stakeholders, and agencies. At the conclusion of the study, the process will be documented in an Environmental Study Report, prepared for public review.
Study Area:
Project Updates
- Notice of Study Commencement - Study Notice (November 9, 2024)
- Public Information Centre - November 26, 2024, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Environmental Study Report
- Notice of Completion
- Appendices:
- Appendix A - EA Scope
- Appendix B - Archaeological Assessments
- Appendix C - Cultural Heritage Assessment Checklist
- Appendix D - Environmental Evaluation Report
- Appendix E - Transportation Analysis
- Appendix F - Evaluation of Collector Road Alternatives
- Appendix G - Evaluation of Wastewater System Alternatives
- Appendix H - Evaluation of Stormwater Management Alternatives
- Appendix I - Wastewater Servicing Report
- Appendix J - Stormwater Management Report
- Appendix K - Agency and Stakeholder Consultation
- Appendix L - Indigenous Community Consultation
For detailed inquires, contact:
Tricia Radburn, MCIP, RPP Consultant Project Manager R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 292 Speedvale Ave. West, Unit 20 Guelph, Ontario, Canada Telephone: 1-800-265-9662 ext. 1778 Email: | Juan Paramo, P. Eng. Development Engineer City of Windsor 350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210 Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1 Telephone: 519-255-6267 ext. 6353 Email: |