Environmental Assessment Studies & Master Plans
Environmental Assessment (EA) is a decision-making process that promotes good environmental planning by assessing the potential effects of certain defined activities on the environment. In Ontario, Environmental Assessments are undertaken under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The purpose of the EA is to provide for the protection, conservation and wise management of Ontario's environment. The EA Act defines environment in a broad sense that includes natural, social, cultural, economic and built environments.
Under the Ontario EA Act, there are two types of environmental planning and approval processes. These are Individual Environmental Assessments (IEA) and Class Environmental Assessments (Class EA). The vast majority of EA studies undertaken by the City of Windsor fall into the Class EA category.
Class Environmental Assessments are undertaken for those groups or "classes" of projects that are carried out routinely and have environmental effects that can be predicated and mitigated. The Municipal Class EA applies to municipal infrastructure projects, including road, water and wastewater projects. The projects are categorized into schedules based on their potential environmental impact. The higher the potential environmental impact of a project, the more detailed the process to be followed to fulfill the requirements of the EA Act.
Schedule A+ projects are pre-approved. The public will be advised prior to implementation.
An integral part of the EA process is public consultation.
The following is a list of current Environmental Assessments that have been initiated by the City of Windsor:
- Schedule A+ Projects:
Transportation Planning
1266 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N8X 3M7
Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, holidays excluded.
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, email: 311@citywindsor.ca