1920 Grove Avenue
Applicant: Olivia Construction Homes Inc.
Agent: Pillon Abbs Inc., Tracey Pillon-Abbs
Location: 1920 Grove Avenue
File No: Z-016/24, ZNG-7206
Roll No: 050-330-16300
To change the zoning on the subject site from the HRD2.1 to RD2.5 and permit the proposed construction of 2-storey townhome/multiple dwellings on the land. The concept plan shows a total of 43 dwelling units being proposed with 56 parking spaces, and a new internal private roadway. Access is proposed from Grove Avenue.
The applicant also proposes to add a site-specific zoning provision that would permit a reduction in the required rear yard setback and zero (0) loading space on the property, and exempt the development from the building material requirement in section
Associated Documents:
- Concept Plan, Floor Plans, Cross-sections, Elevations, Renderings & Topographic Survey
- Deed
- On Lands Map
- Planning Rationale Report
- Sanitary Study
- Storm Water Management & Storm Release Study
- Topographic Survey
- Urban Design Brief
- Zoning By-law Amendment Application
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:
Justina Nwaesei
Senior Planner - Subdivisions
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543 ext. 6165
Fax: (519) 255-6544
Email: jnwaesei@citywindsor.ca