1350 Pelletier Street

Applicant: Sital Garha
Agent: Pillon-Abbs Inc. – Tracey Pillon-Abbs – tracey@pillonabbs.ca

File No: Z-031/23 ZNG/7158

The applicant is requesting an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 to rezone part (parts 2 and 4 on the draft reference plan) of the subject parcel from Manufacturing District 2.13 (MD2.13) to Residential District 2.2 (RD2.2) to allow the construction of a dwelling with four dwelling units with a building height of 9 metres over two storeys and an unfinished basement. A total of four parking spaces are proposed in the rear yard with a driveway to Pelletier Street. The proposed residential parcel has a lot area of 718.9 metres squared, lot width of 21.85 metres and a lot depth of 32.92 metres.

The whole parcel is designated Residential on Schedule D: Land Use of the Official Plan; is zoned MD2.13 in Zoning By-law 8600; is occupied by a combined-use building consisting of one dwelling unit and a restaurant; and has an area of 1,438.9 metres squared, a frontage of 43.71 metres and a depth of 32.92 metres. The applicant has a lease agreement with the Detroit River Tunnel Partnership (DRTP) for parking spaces for the restaurant.

The conceptual site plan is subject to change. The development as proposed is not subject to Site Plan Control.

Associated Documents:

Adam Szymczak
Senior Planner - Development
Planning Department
3rd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1

Email: aszymczak@citywindsor.ca
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6250
Fax: 519-255-6544