Committee of Management for Huron Lodge Long Term Care Home

Huron Lodge provides for the physical, psychological, spiritual, social and cultural needs of its residents and develops and maintains a home-like atmosphere that promotes a feeling of friendship, vitality and enjoyment in living.

The Committee of Management as a Committee of City Council supports the Community Strategic Plan Pillar, "Our Society: Diverse and Caring", and Huron Lodge provides services that support the community's commitment to:

  • Invest in Quality Living - Invest in the common good, maintaining convenient city services and enhancing our public spaces; and
  • Protect Community Wellness - Make sure citizens can pursue a healthy lifestyle, reach their full potential, and have timely access to comprehensive health care; and
  • Strengthen the Social Fabric - Take care of the basic needs of our residents, including shelter, accessibility to services, and programs to assist the most vulnerable among us.

Council Services Department
Suite 530 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1

Phone: For general information: call 311.
For detailed inquiries, call the Committee Coordinator at (519) 255-6222, ext. 6430.
Fax: (519)255-6868
