Concerned Citizen - Concerned Employee Hotline (CCEP)

Windsor's Mayor and Council have implemented the Concerned Citizen/Concerned Employee Hotline ("CCEP").

The CCEP is for reporting suspected fraud, waste and/or abuse of City assets

The Hotline has been put into place to enable citizens and City of Windsor employees to provide information on suspected frauds, waste, and/or abuse of City assets in a private, confidential, and anonymous manner at the caller's discretion. All callers will be protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act as well as the City's Concerned Employee Policy

This Hotline is intended for the gathering of information on fraud, waste, and abuse of City assets. The Council approved Hotline & Notification Protocol contains the following definitions:

  • Fraud: Activities undertaken by an individual or organization that are done in a dishonest or illegal manner, and are designed to give an advantage to the perpetrating individual or the City. Consequently, fraud includes any intentional or deliberate act to deprive another of property or money by guile, deception, or other unfair means. Fraud against an organization can happen through misappropriation of corporate assets by an organization’s senior officers and/or staff.
  • Waste: The use of the organization’s resources or assets in an ineffective or inappropriate manner.
  • Misuse: The incorrect use of resources or assets.
  • City assets: Financial and non-financial resources which are owned, managed, or controlled by the City of Windsor, which include but are not limited to cash, tangible capital assets, and inventory.

Complaints which are outside of the above criteria will be routed to City management for consideration. The City's Concerned Employee Policy outlines a decision tree which may mean that the complaint is routed to management as well.

The Hotline is not intended for conducting everyday customer service discussions. Neither is it intended for complaints of general nature by employees about City Council or management, including complaints that are normally and properly handled by personnel, payroll, or health and safety.

If you are looking for information on services, have a question or would like to report a general complaint, please contact 311 directly.

How to submit a complaint

There are three ways to submit a complaint.

  1. You can call (519) 980-6656 and leave a detailed message.
  2. You can send a detailed email to 
  3.  You can mail your complaint directly to the independent third party at: Risk Savvy Ltd., P.O. Box 790, St. Marys Stn Main, Ontario N4X 1B5.

For options 2 and 3, the use of the Hotline Complaint Information Form is strongly encouraged.

Important Points

  • The Hotline is private, confidential, anonymous and administered by an independent third party, which operates under the Freedom of Information Act's Protection of Privacy provisions and is overseen by the Office of the Auditor General for the Corporation of the City of Windsor.
  • The Concerned Citizen/Concerned Employee Hotline is for use by either residents of the community or by City of Windsor employees.
  • For City employees, this Hotline operates in conjunction with a Concerned Employee Policy as approved by City Council, which provides assurance to employees that the submission of complaints in good faith for investigation and the resolution of those complaints will be handled in an appropriate manner, providing protection to the employee making the submission. In terms of fraud, waste, abuse, and neglect, this policy provides employees with an opportunity to express concern about another employee as well as any level of manager or supervisor.
  • The independent firm, Risk Savvy Ltd. will receive and assess each complaint using a defined complaint management process decision tree. Risk Savvy Ltd. is independent of City administration and answers directly to City Council. Risk Savvy Ltd. will then decide whether an investigation is required. If an investigation is undertaken, the resulting report will be presented to City Council while fully respecting the confidentiality requests of the complainant. If Risk Savvy Ltd. determines that the complaint is without merit, then it will advise the complainant and will take no further action. If the complainant is not satisfied, that person can bring the complaint directly to the Mayor or a City Councillor.