Windsor Heritage Committee Membership (Archived)

Please note: Information available under Archived Committees is offered for reference purposes only, as these committees are no longer active.

City Council at its meeting held December 15, 2014 approved the following:

"That the merging of the Windsor Heritage Committee and the Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee BE APPROVED: and further
That the Terms of Reference for the Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Standing Committee BE AMENDED to reflect the inclusion of Heritage Act matters within its mandate, as well as the addition of 5 at large Committee Members with heritage interests."

Clerk's Note: Please see the Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Standing Committee page:

Council Services Department
350 City Hall Square West, Room 203
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call the Committee Coordinator at (519) 255-6222 ext. 6430
Fax: (519) 255-6868