Windsor Heritage Committee Mandate

City Council at its meeting held December 15, 2014 approved the following:
"That the merging of the Windsor Heritage Committee and the Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee BE APPROVED: and further
That the Terms of Reference for the Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Standing Committee BE AMENDED to reflect the inclusion of Heritage Act matters within its mandate, as well as the addition of 5 at large Committee Members with heritage interests."


The mandate of the Windsor Heritage Committee (HAC) is to advise City Council on "the identification, recognition, protection, enhancement and proper management of heritage resources" in the City of Windsor:

Identification - is accomplished through the development and maintenance of the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register and the Archaeological Master Plan. Research is ongoing and photographic and other records are kept by the City's Heritage Planner.

Recognition - is accomplished through Council's designation of properties under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act, Parts IV and V, the Windsor Heritage Committee's ongoing program of commemorating heritage resources with plaques and signs, the presentation at City Council of annual "Built Heritage Awards", and participation in the Ontario Heritage Foundation's "Community Heritage Recognition" program. The Windsor Heritage Committee also has an on-going public awareness and education program consisting of brochures, displays, videos, tours, presentations and workshops.

Protection - is accomplished by Council's utilization of the demolition/modification approval procedures outlined in the Ontario Heritage Act, the requirement of heritage easements when making restoration grants, and encouragement of adaptive reuse of heritage resources.

Enhancement - is accomplished through the provision of financial assistance for the restoration of heritage resources from the "Community Heritage Fund" and the "Built Heritage Fund", the restoration of City-owned heritage resources, and the insistence that any municipal undertakings and programs promote our built heritage.

Proper Management - is accomplished by the maintenance and protection of municipally owned heritage resources, by the utilization of the development approval process to facilitate heritage preservation, and by the encouragement of public participation in the conservation of heritage resources.

Council Services Department
350 City Hall Square West, Room 203
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S1

Phone: For general information, call 311.
For detailed inquiries, call the Committee Coordinator at (519) 255-6222 ext. 6430
Fax: (519) 255-6868