MAPS For Residents
Geomatics Division Maps
A variety of city maps can be purchased at City Hall in the customer service area located on the second floor of 350 City Hall Square West. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). Please note, 24-hour notice is required for map purchases/pickup. Please email to make an appointment.
A nominal fee may apply. Prices vary according to type, size and scale of printed map. Methods of payment include cash, debit, credit, cheque, and by invoice if applicable.
Below are Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Maps available for free viewing and downloading.
Note: Documents are best viewed in Adobe Reader X (10) or higher. If you are having trouble viewing in Adobe Reader 9 or any other versions, please use "Save As" for the link and you can open the downloaded file to your computer.
City Street Maps
Full Colour, Large Size City Street Index Map
WM-007, full colour, single line street index map showing city street names, parks, major buildings, rail lines, water courses, expressway and the city boundary.
The map also features a variety of points of interest and an enlarged city centre detail.
52 inches by 36 inches, $24.25 plus tax
View Full Colour Large Size City Street Index Map.pdf
Large Size City Street Map

Double line, colour, street map showing city streets, street names, parks, major buildings, rail lines, water courses, expressway and the city boundary.
1:15,000 scale, 36 inches by 56 inches - $14.50
1:20,000 scale, 28 inches by 42 inches - $11.25
View 1:15,000 Large Size City Street Map
View 1:20,000 Large Size City Street Map
Medium Size City Street Map
Single line, colour, street map showing the same features described above.
1:30,000 scale, 20 inches by 28 inches - $8.25
View 1:30,000 Medium Size City Street Map
Small Size City Street Map

Colour street map showing only major streets and names, as well as rail lines, parks and major buildings.
11 inches by 17 inches - $5.75
8.5 inches by 14 inches - Free
View 1:50,000 Small Size City Street Map
View 11 inches by 17 inches Full Colour City Street Map
Miscellaneous Maps
Political Ward Maps
The City of Windsor is comprised of 10 political or municipal election wards. One city councillor is elected to represent each ward. Viewing and downloading the PDF files is free. Large plots are available for a fee in in the customer service area located on the 2nd floor of 350 City Hall Square West.
Full City Political Ward Map
Individual Ward Maps:
City of Windsor Parks Map
View City of Windsor Parks Map.
Parks, Trails & Recreation Map
Parks and Forestry Services has created a map showing parklands, community centres, indoor/outdoor pools, ice rinks, major special event areas, motorized and non-motorized boat launches, existing bike lanes, multi-use trails, and signed routes.
A free glossy map can be obtained in a number of City locations, including community centres.
The web version includes the map, as well as a reference that describes points of interest on the map (second page):
Transit Windsor Bus Routes

For more details on Transit Windsor please visit, Transit Windsor Bus Routes.
Truck Route Map
Double line, colour, street map showing designated truck routes.
100 centimetres by 60 centimetres - $50.00
Available for purchase at 1266 McDougall Street, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, (excluding holidays).
View Truck Route Map.
City Schools Map - Elementary & Secondary

Full colour, double line street map showing city streets, street names, parks, major buildings, rail lines, water courses, expressways, city boundary, and the various Elementary and Secondary schools representing four schools boards, and post secondary institutions within the city limits. Also included are the ten Election Ward boundaries.
1:15,000 scale, 36 inches by 56 inches - $24.25
Vertical Geodetic Control (Benchmarks)
The City of Windsor vertical geodetic control (benchmark) information is a surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a vertical reference point for surveys and construction projects. The City of Windsor has approximately 1,600 vertical control "benchmarks." These are number markers (usually brass plaques) that could be found on private property. Please respect the property of those when using these benchmarks.
View City of Windsor Benchmark current List
View Vertical Geodetic Control map
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries regarding Digital Sewer Atlas Map Book and Vertical Geodetic Control, contact:
Atlas Map Books
Digital Sewer Atlas Map Book
Updated on a regular basis by the Geomatics Division, the Digital Sewer Atlas Map Book has been created to allow you to see the City's sewer infrastructure, both existing and proposed. Also included are sewer lines (type and size), manholes, gas, steam and hydro lines - where known or collected, right of way, street names, some street addresses, and building outlines. The map has been assembled and divided into 221 individual maps saved to portable document format (PDF) for easy viewing.
Open the Digital Sewer Atlas Map Index, pan or zoom to the desired area and click on the Map Number. This will open the individual map, and it is now ready for viewing or printing.
The Geomatics Division makes every effort to update the Sewer Atlas in a timely fashion. It should be noted that proposed sewers may refer to sewers to be constructed, under construction, or actually constructed, but As-Built information is not yet available in the atlas. For further clarification, please contact the Geomatics Division.
Municipal Address Atlas Map Book
Updated on a regular basis by the Geomatics Division, the Municipal Address Map Book Atlas has been created to allow you to see municipal addresses, property outlines and street names. Also included are city parks, schools, community centres and other points of interest. The map has been assembled and divided into 49 individual maps saved to portable document format (PDF) for easy viewing.
Open the Municipal Address Index Map, pan or zoom to the desired area and click on the Map Number. This will open the individual map, and it is now ready for viewing or printing.
View Municipal Address Index Map.
Zoning Districts Map
For maps and information relating to zoning, please visit our Zoning By-law page.
The City of Windsor Zoning Maps indicate what category and uses are allowed on Private Property. The prefix of the zoning indicates the basic use, and the detailed use is specified by numbers; example RD 1.1 refers to a residential district (RD), that allows only single unit dwellings, existing duplex, or semi detached, as well as accessory uses (1.1). Other prefixes refer to C - commercial, M - manufacturing or industrial, I - Institutional, G - green space.
Please Note: Zoning can change weekly; each map has a date that is reflective of the update.
For specific information on what uses are allowed for each zoning, please visit the 2nd floor of 350 City Hall Square West. Formal responses are available by letter for a fee of $65.00. Zoning information given informally or over phone often leads to confusion; only formal responses should be relied upon, as zoning changes and related information are ever changing.
To view various Zoning Maps, open the Map Index, zoom and pan to desired area and click the Map Number to open appropriate map in PDF format.
- View the Zoning District Map
View Zoning By-law 85-18
Zoning By-Law 8600 (see Building and Planning By-laws Online)
The Geomatics Division develops and maintains aerial photography of the city in a variety of formats and flying years. Below is a list of the photo products and services that can be purchased for a fee:
Ortho Digital Photos
- Black & White digital geo-referenced photos are available in tiles of 1,000 metres by 1,000 metres, in geotif format, for flying years in Black & White 2000, 2002, 2004, for colour in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Please refer to photo number when ordering: $114.75 per tile.
- Black & White/Colour MrSid format photo - entire city, copied to digital video disc (DVD): $5,350.00.
- Black & White/Colour Geotif custom created from MrSid photo, copied to compact disc (CD): to be determined.
- Black & White/Colour custom created photo of any area, saved to JPG - not geo-referenced - suitable for using Word or PowerPoint or other non drafting or Geographic Information System (GIS) use: $50.00 minimum.
Aerial Contact Photo

The City of Windsor keeps copies of black and white aerial photography for the following years: 1969, 1972, 1977-78 (limited), 1980, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2004 and in colour for 2006, 2008 and 2010.
To order a print of a contact photo, send an email to stating the years desired and a location description (attach a map, if possible). If you wish to see the area enlarged to 200 or 300 percent, please indicate this in your request.
Allow at least 24 hours for your request to be processed. Please provide a return name and phone number, as we will contact you when the order is ready for pick-up in the Geomatics Division.
9 Inches by 9 Inches Black & White Contact Photo Laser Print: $9.25 plus applicable taxes.
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries regarding Ortho Digital Photos and Aerial Contact Photos, contact:
Phil Ubene
Drafting Supervisor
Phone: (519) 255-6257 ext. 6160
Fax: (519) 255-9847
Carter Day
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Supervisor
Phone: (519) 255-6257 ext. 6418
Fax: (519) 255-9847