Private Property Enforcement

Why is this done?
Parking of unauthorized vehicles on private property has become a problem for property owners. As a result, The City of Windsor offers a service to owners of properties that are not listed under the Parking By-law 9023, Schedule “Q”, by which parking officers will attend the private property at the owner's request to ticket a vehicle(s).
What are the requirements?
In order for Parking Enforcement’s outside contractor (currently the Commissionaires of Ottawa - Windsor Division) to be called, there must be clear signage on the property. This signage should state the following:
That it is private property
Unauthorized vehicles can be ticketed/tagged/subject to fines
City of Windsor Parking By-law 9023
This signage should be spaced throughout the lot, as well as at entrances/exits.
Note: The City of Windsor will not tow any vehicles from private properties: only penalty notices (parking tickets) will be issued by Parking Enforcement if sign requirements are met.
Who can call to have the property enforced?
Only the property owner and/or manager of the property can contact Parking Enforcement Dispatch at 519-796-0841 to have vehicles ticketed. Property owners, managers or occupants are expected to meet the parking enforcement officer at the property to sign off on a voucher that the vehicle is not permitted to be parking on the property. Identification and proof may be required by parking enforcement before a penalty notice is issued.
Note: By signing the voucher with parking enforcement, you (the property owner, manager or occupant) are empowering the City of Windsor and/or its contractor to issue an administrative penalty for parking on private property without consent.
Is there a fee?
There is no fee charged to the property owner for this service. The fee, which is the HST amount, is charged to the registered owner of the vehicle, and the fee is added into the cost of the penalty notice (parking ticket).
What if an authorized vehicle is ticketed by mistake? Can it be cancelled or voided?
It is the responsibility of the property owner, manager or occupant to ensure that all vehicles are investigated and verified before signing the voucher to have a penalty notice issued. If this does happen, the registered owner has two options:
Ticket payment, or;
Disputing the ticket by filling out a “Request for Screening Officer Review.” Be sure to include a signed letter stating the error, and a decision will be made to either cancel/void, reduce or affirm the ticket.
There is no guarantee that by filing the dispute, the ticket will be cancelled, as the ticket was authorized to be given by the property owner, manager or occupant.
I am the property owner, and other people that I do not want calling are calling to ticket on my property: what do I do?
If you have unwanted people calling Parking Enforcement Dispatch to have vehicles ticketed on your property, you must fill out an official letter that states your address/location, who you are (proof of ownership), and who (if anyone other than yourself) is allowed to contact/sign vouchers to ticket vehicles.
City-Owned Lots vs. Private Property

City-owned surface lots all have markings on the top of the sign that state it is a municipal lot and have a lot number (e.g. Lot 10). If you do not see this on the signage, you are parking on a private property. Please be sure that you take the time to review all signage. City-owned lots and private property lots have different rules, and it is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to contact the private property to inquire of their rules. If permits are required for the property, make sure they are completely visible, or you may be subject to a penalty notice.
Yes, you can see it ... but can we read it?
How do I know if the spot where I park is a private property or not?
If you do not see a sign similar to the example above, you are on private property. Some examples of private properties are the following:
Medical buildings
Shopping centres
For questions or more information, please contact:
Parking Enforcement Office
1266 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario
N8X 3M7
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays)
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-6298, email or fax (519) 255-9467.