Applying for Ontario Works
Applying for Ontario Works

How Do I Apply for Ontario Works?
There is a new process of applying for Ontario Works. You will now apply directly to the Ontario government.
- You can apply for Ontario Works online here.
- The link above includes complete instructions on how to apply for Ontario Works.
- You will be contacted by a caseworker form your local Ontario Works office within 4 business days of submitting your application.
By Phone
Call the Ontario government, toll free 1-888-999-1142, if you are:
- Over the age of 18
- Do not require a trustee
- An interpreter assisting someone to apply
Call the local office, (519) 255-5200 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022, if you are:
- In an emergency situation with no address or facing homelessness
- Facing eviction or hydro/gas disconnect scheduled within 7 days
- Experiencing a medical emergency
- Receiving assistance from Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) in another municipality/have received funds from OW or ODSP in the past month
- Under 18 years
- Requiring a trustee
- Calling for Temporary Care Assistance
- Applying for a discretionary benefit
Local office hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. (holidays excepted)
When you call, a brief application will be taken, and a time will be set for you to meet with a caseworker to finalize your application (verification interview).
Direct Deposit for Ontario Works Assistance
- To ensure fast and secure Ontario Works payments, please provide direct deposit banking information to your caseworker.
- Direct deposit is the easiest way to receive your payments.
- To learn more, please discuss this with your caseworker.
How Can I Learn More About Applying?
You can find an overview of the entire Ontario Works application process and learn more about how to apply using our step-by-step online Ontario Works Application Process Guide
What Do I Need to Bring to My Appointment?
Please bring the following with you to your verification interview:
- Proof of date of birth (birth certificate, passport, immigration papers, etc.)
- Social Insurance Number
- Ontario health card number
- Relevant immigration papers (if applicable)
- Rental or mortgage information
- Income information (earnings, pensions and support)
- All banking (three months of bank records) and investment information (including account balances and branch details)
- A list of assets including house, car and any investments
- Employment history (past and current employer information and details)
- A list of addresses where you have lived during the past 12 months and the dates you lived in each location
- List of outstanding debts (current bills, loans, etc.)
- If you are divorced or separated: Separation Agreement, a copy of your Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute or your Divorce Judgment and your Certificate of Divorce
- If you are a widow or widower: Letters of probate, proof of death, copy of Will(s), proof of amount of insurance received, proof of disbursements or monies received
- If you are in school: Verification of school attendance (timetables, attendance reports, report cards)
- Your resume (if you have one)
Document Drop-Offs
You can drop off any required documents or letters as follows:
- By emailing your caseworker - see Caseworker List if you are unsure of your caseworkers email
- Via MyBenefits
- At the outside drop box at 400 City Hall Square East
- At City of Windsor customer care centres located around the city. Please visit our Customer Care Centres page for a listing of participating locations and their hours of operation.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act dictates that employees of the City of Windsor Department of Social Support Services cannot divulge any information on an applicant or recipient without the signed consent of the person in question.
More Information
In Windsor:
Call 311 for general information. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-5200 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 255-1011 or (519) 255-1503
In Leamington:
Call (519) 946-9988 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 322-3529 or toll free at 1-866-763-1222