Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program
To report basement flooding, please call 311 or visit
What is the Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program?
The City of Windsor makes improvements annually to its complex system of underground pipes, sewers and catch basins; however, these improvements alone cannot completely protect a home from basement flooding. With increasingly frequent and severe weather events, it is essential that residents take the appropriate action to reduce the risk of basement flooding on their own private property.
The City is offering owners of residential dwellings (single family and duplex homes) a financial subsidy to install a sump pump with sump pump overflow and/or backwater valve(s) and/or disconnect foundation drains from the floor drain.
Visit our Flooding page for more information on how to reduce basement flooding.
Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program at a Glance:
Subsidies for eligible work are subject to available funding and provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The maximum lifetime eligible subsidy limit is $3,500 per property:
- Install backwater valve (licensed plumber required) - Up to 100 percent of cost, ($1,450 maximum)
- Install sump pump with sump pump overflow and disconnect floor drains - Up to 100 percent of cost, ($2,000 maximum)
- Install only sump pump overflow to discharge outside to surface (applies to existing sump pumps only) - Up to 100 percent of cost, ($300 maximum)
- Install backwater valve and sump pump with sump pump overflow - Up to 100 percent of cost, ($3,500 maximum)
- Disconnect foundation drains from floor drain and/or dye testing and camera work as required - Up to 100 percent of cost, ($400 maximum)
- What this program does not cover:
- Replacement of an existing sump pump
- Upgrade of a sump pump
- Addition of another sump pump
- A back-up sump-pump
- Work performed for which a permit cannot be obtained (for example, installation of a sump pump within a crawl space not connected to weeping tile)
- Supply and installation of electro-pneumatic backwater valve
- Replacement of a back-up valve (except replacement of a non-functioning cast-iron type BWV)
Subsidy Requirements
- All eligible basement flooding protection work must be performed by a contractor/licensed plumber or master plumber, who should be able to present a current City of Windsor license confirming their status. If you have any concerns about whether or not the plumber is licensed, please contact 311. Please note that the City's Licensing Department cannot recommend specific plumbing contractors or provide a list of licensed plumbing contractors.
- If a backwater valve is installed by a contractor, a licensed plumber must certify its installation.
- If a sump pump is installed, please ensure the disconnection and capping of leads from the foundation drains to the floor drains.
- Any work performed by the homeowner themselves does not qualify for subsidy.
- Disputes with respect to qualifying work will be resolved by the City Engineer and/or the Chief Building Official or their designate.
- The contractor must use material or fittings that are approved by the Ontario Building Code.
- A building plumbing permit and an approved final inspection must be obtained for backwater valve and sump pump installations.
How do I Receive the Subsidy?
The following information outlines the process to apply for and receive a basement flooding subsidy:
- Prior to commencing any work, the homeowner must submit an application through MyWindsor on the City of Windsor website, indicating which work type they are proposing to complete under the Subsidy Program. The City will review the application for completion and communicate through MyWindsor when the applicant can proceed to the next step.
- If computer access is limited, the applicant can contact the Right-of-Way (ROW) Division (listed below) for assistance in applying for the program. An Acknowledgement of Responsibility and Liability Waiver must be submitted to the City of Windsor prior to proceeding to the next step.
- Upon receipt of communication from the City in MyWindsor, the homeowner can proceed with hiring a licensed plumber, who must complete the Pre-Condition Assessment Form and submit to the City of Windsor Building Department when applying for the Building/Plumbing Permit, ensuring that the declaration on the form is executed by the plumber and homeowner(s).
- Once the permit has been obtained, work can commence (homeowner to verify).
- A final inspection must be completed in order for the City to determine whether the work completed under the permit qualifies through the Basement Flooding Subsidy Program. It is recommended that the property owner pay the plumber after confirmation is received that the permit has passed the final inspection.
- The homeowner must upload the invoice (marked "paid in full") to their MyWindsor basement flooding application for final review and processing of the subsidy.
- If computer access is limited, the applicant can drop off or mail a copy of the "paid in full" invoice to the Right-of-Way Division (address listed below), attention: ROW Programs, for final review and processing of the subsidy.
Note: There is some risk that the property owner may not be entitled to receive a subsidy payment, due to the fact that final determination on the eligibility of work performed does not occur until after the City of Windsor has completed the final inspection on the permit.
ROW Programs - Right-of-Way Division
In person: 350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
By phone: For general information, call 311. For additional inquiries, call (519) 255-6257.
Email: or
Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, holidays excluded.
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