Providing Certificate of Insurance

Why must I provide a Certificate of Insurance?

To protect the Corporation of the City of Windsor from any claims arising from the encroachment, a Certificate of Insurance providing the following coverage is usually required for most above-ground type encroachments:

  • Add The Corporation of the City of Windsor as an additional insured.
  • Provide liability insurance in the amount of $2 million per occurrence (RD1 and RD2 properties) and $5 million per occurrence (for all other properties).
  • Evidence must be provided that the policy contains a cross liability clause with respect to the encroachment.
  • The Corporation of the City of Windsor requires 30 days written notice if a policy is altered, cancelled or allowed to lapse.

The following are standard forms issued by the City of Windsor and are to be completed by the applicant's insurance broker:

The Certificate of Insurance must be approved by the City's Risk Management Department and must specify the encroachment(s); provide a start date and an end date; and time to be renewed each year the encroachment exists. When the encroachment is removed or is no longer required, it is up to the licensee to notify the City and request a final inspection to verify that the encroachment has been removed and the right-of-way restored to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Engineering Department
Right-of-Way Division
350 City Hall Square West, 2nd Floor, Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquires, call (519) 255-6257.