Secondary Plans

Secondary plans are used to guide the development or redevelopment of:

  • Planning districts (as defined in the Official Plan),
  • Neighbourhoods,
  • Corridors
  • Or any other area as identified by the Official Plan.

These plans provide specific schedules and policies for those areas of the city where more detailed directions for land use, infrastructure, transportation, environment, urban design or similar matters are required beyond the general framework provided by the Official Plan. With the exception of the policies for the City Centre Planning District which are contained within the Official Plan, all other secondary plans are contained within Volume II of the Official Plan.

Objectives of secondary plans are:

  • To provide a process and a framework for addressing planning issues affecting or characterizing specific areas of the City.
  • To facilitate the application of the general planning principles expressed in the Official plan.
  • To strengthen existing developed areas of the City and to facilitate, where desirable, appropriate and orderly redevelopment.
  • To ensure the orderly, efficient and appropriate development of large tracts of vacant or underutilized land.
  • To ensure that desirable characteristics of the City are protected and enhanced.

Secondary plans may be prepared as needed for planning districts, neighbourhoods, corridors or any other identified area of the city. The City currently has secondary plans for East Riverside Planning Area, North Roseland, and South Cameron.

For details, consult the Official Plan Webpage.

For general information, please call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
Suite 210, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544