Sandwich Town Plans

In 2006, Windsor City Council adopted the Sandwich Town Community Planning Study (CPS), which was the result of an 18-month community consultation process. The study recommended hiring a consultant to investigate the possibility of a Heritage Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act and a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) under the Planning Act for the Sandwich area. These plans and amending by-laws were approved by City Council in 2009.

See also: Sandwich CIP Application Guide and Application Form.

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Kevin Alexander

Senior Planner - Special Projects

Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
Suite 210, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544
Sandwich Town Community Improvement Plan page Sandwich Heritage Conservation District page