926-928 Giles Boulevard East

File No: Z-028/24, ZNG-7232
Address: 926-928 Giles Boulevard East 
Applicant: Hausology Inc./Daniel Grenier
Agent: Dillon Consulting/Melanie Muir

The applicant is currently at the building permit stage for constructing a two-storey addition at the rear of the existing duplex dwelling for two (2) more units, in compliance with the existing zoning (minor variances application approved for lot width and lot area A014/23). 

The applicant would like to construct two (2) more units in the basement of the dwelling for a total of six (6) units on the property with four (4) parking spaces on the site (required 7 parking spaces). 

A Zoning By-law Amendment will be required to rezone the property from Residential District 2.2 to a site-specific zoning to support the additional two (2) basement units, the reduction in parking required from 7 spaces to 4 spaces, and the reduction in lot width/lot area (previously approved by Committee of Adjustment - application for minor variance A014/23). 

The subject property is designated Residential on the Official Plan Schedule D: Land Use and zoned Residential District RD2.2 (RD2.2) by Zoning By-law 8600 (ZDM_07).

The development as proposed is not subject to Site Plan Control. All plans, elevations and renderings are conceptual and subject to change.

Proposed Number of Dwelling Units: Two new basement units (four existing units for a total of six units on the property)

Associated Documents:

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Simona Simion
Planner III Economic Development (Acting)
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
Phone: (519) 255-6543 ext. 6449
350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario, N9A 6S1