4100 7th Concession Road

Address: 4100 7th Concession Road

File No: Z-020/19

The applicant is requesting a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the construction of a four (4) storey hotel with 100 parking spaces on the subject land. The subject land is designated Business Park on Schedule D: Land Use of the Official Plan, zoned Hamlet Commercial (CH) by Zoning By-law 85-18 and has access to 7th Concession Road and Baseline Road.

The applicant is proposing to change the zoning of the subject land from Hamlet Commercial Zone under By-law 85-18 to Commercial District 3.3 under By-law 8600.

Associated Documents:

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Justina Nwaesei
Senior Planner - Subdivisions
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543 ext. 6165
Fax: (519) 255-6544
Email: jnwaesei@citywindsor.ca