0 Janette Avenue
File No: Z-037/24 ZNG/7249
Applicant: Andi Shallvari
Agent: Pillon Abbs Inc. (Tracey Pillon-Abbs, RPP)
The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property to allow for the construction of a three (3) storey, six (6) unit Multiple Dwelling with four (4) rear yard parking spaces off the paved alley. The subject property is a vacant lot consisting of landscaped open space. The subject property was previously occupied by a single-unit dwelling from approximately 1909 to 1989.
Associated Documents:
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:
Brian Nagata
Planner - Development Planning & Development Services
City of Windsor
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Email: bnagata@citywindsor.ca
Phone: 519-255-6543 x6181
Fax: 519-255-6544