
Aerial View of Casino WindsorThe City of Windsor Zoning By-law (see Building and Planning By-laws Online) regulates the use of land, buildings, and other structures. When the Zoning By-law does not permit a proposed use, it is necessary to make an application for an amendment to the Zoning By-law.

While anyone may file an application to amend the Zoning By-law, it is common practice that the current and/or future owners of the subject property provide written permission to proceed with the Rezoning Application.

All applications for rezoning shall conform to the Official Plan and shall consider relevant provincial legislation, policies, and appropriate guidelines.

Depending on the complexity of the rezoning request, an applicant may be required to submit additional information and supporting studies, such as traffic impact studies, noise and/or vibration study, or an environmental impact assessment. Prior to submission, a meeting with a Planner in the Planning & Building Services Department is essential. Applications may be returned if incomplete or if no meeting has occurred.

Planning staff in the Planning & Building Services Department prepare a report to the Planning, Heritage and Economic Development Standing Committee (PHEDSC), which is appointed by Council to review the report, hold public meetings, and make recommendations to Council. The recommendations together with the planning staff report are forwarded to Council for final decision. The decision of Council may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Appeals are made through the Department of Council Services and City Clerk.

For further information and application forms, please contact a Planner in the Planning & Building Services Department - Development Section. Also see the Application / Fees Page and the Rezoning brochure.

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact us at:

Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
Suite 210, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544