City Parks
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There are 205 parks within the city of Windsor, comprising approximately 2,558 acres of parks, open space and natural areas. Based on Council direction, some of our city parks were renamed to avoid duplication and/or confusion, such as Kinsmen Norman Road and Kinsmen Chatham Street. Some were combined into other adjacent parkland, Broadway Park becoming part of Black Oak Heritage for example. As a result, the physical number of parks was reduced from 209 to 204. The inventory of parkland acreage remained unchanged until November 2021 when the City entered into an agreement with the Detroit River Tunnel Company to operate and maintain Gateway Park adding 12.7 acres and bringing the total number of parks to 205.
A number of parks are listed below. Click a specific amenity to filter by that amenity. For location information of all parks within Windsor, please visit MappMyCity.