Commemorative Bench Program

Commemorative Bench (Steel)Commemorative Bench with Flowers (Wood)

Benches are an important park amenity in City of Windsor parks. They provide resting and viewing areas for residents and visitors to sit, relax and enjoy the beauty of the Windsor Parks and Trail System.

The Commemorative Bench Program, administered by Parks and Recreation, allows you to participate in a very special way by adding a bench in a City-owned park. For a very reasonable fee, you may donate a standardized bench to be installed in eligible City parkland and maintained by City personnel.

A commemorative bench may be donated in memory of a loved one or to honour a person, group or special occasion. The bench and plaque will be installed in an appropriate site, as chosen by the Manager of Parks Operations.

Donate a Commemorative Bench

 Applications for commemorative benches are accepted throughout the year, and benches are installed as climate conditions permit. The costs include a bench, plaque and installation for up to 10 years. Benches will sit on a cement pad base. All costs of installation of a commemorative bench are borne by the applicant. Applicants can choose from two different options:

  • Standard Commemorative Bench – pressure treated wood slats, square tube powdered coated frame, standard plaque: $3,000.00
  • Metal Commemorative Bench – powdered coated steel slats welded to tubular steel, standard plaque: $4,500.00

Make a Donation

In addition to our commemorative bench program, cash donations (tax-deductible) are accepted to help defray the costs of installing and maintaining benches throughout the city. Please feel free to contribute whatever you feel is appropriate (minimum $25.00). Cheques should be made payable to the City of Windsor and clearly marked for Park Benches.

To order: Please print and complete the Commemorative Bench Brochure and mail along with cheque payment or credit card number to:

Parks and Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N8X 3N6

Telephone: (519) 253-2300
Fax: (519) 255-7990

For general information, please call 311.

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