Apprenticeship and Training
Apprenticeships are an excellent way to develop a career in various skilled trades. When in an apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to be trained by experienced individuals on a job site. We are available to assist you with pursuing an apprenticeship and to provide guidance on how to apply.
Employment & Training Services (ETS) also keeps a comprehensive listing of employers looking to hire or train apprentice.
Get more information on apprenticeships from
Better Jobs Ontario
What is Better Jobs Ontario? (formerly known as Second Career)
Better Jobs Ontario is a provincially funded program by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) and provides laid-off workers with:
- Skills training to help them find jobs in high-demand occupations in Ontario; and
- Financial support, if needed
Is Better Jobs Ontario right for me?
Better Jobs Ontario provides help to laid-off workers in need who will benefit most from training to find work. Several factors are considered when assessing what funding is available. We will help applicants based on their:
- Active job search
- Length of unemployment
- Education background
- Work history
- Labour market prospects
- Training request
- Experience and occupational skills
What Types of Financial Support Does Better Jobs Ontario Include?
Better Jobs Ontario is a cost-sharing grant provided on the basis of need, so you may be asked to contribute to your training or education. Better Jobs Ontario may provide up to $28,000 for:
- Tuition
- Books
- Other instruction costs, such as manuals or workbooks
- Transportation
- Basic living allowance
Additional support may be available to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities, dependent care, costs of living away from home and academic upgrading.
What will I be asked to contribute?
Your contribution to retraining will depend on your financial situation and cost of training.
Better Jobs Ontario takes into consideration the cost for:
- Tuition and incremental costs (i.e. ancillary fees, books, etc.)
- Accommodation
- Living away from home allowance (if applicable)
- Food
- Phone and internet charges
- Heat and hydro
- Transportation
- Dependent care
- Disability supports (if applicable)
- Extended Health Benefits
Participants may be required to contribute towards the cost of training. Your actual contribution to retraining will be determined by MLITSD. There are limits to the amount MLITSD will provide for dependent care, accommodation and other factors, such as tuition. Staff at our Better Jobs Ontario Assessment office can help.
Am I Eligible for Better Jobs Ontario?
- Were you laid off after January 1, 2005, with no opportunities in your field?
- Note: You must not have quit or been fired.
- Are you unemployed or working less than 20 hours per week or employed in a transition job?
- These occupations are defined as semi to low-skilled jobs that require little or no education or training and are generally in industry, manufacturing, clerical, sales and services.
Are you an individual in the manufacturing sector and laid off on or after January 1, 2019?
- These occupations are defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as a sector that is primarily engaged in the chemical, mechanical or physical transformation of materials or substances into new products.
- Are you from a low-income family and facing challenges attaching to the labour market?
- Better Job Ontario has been expanding beyond those that were laid off and may be able to assist individuals who face barriers entering the labour market and developing their "first career," such as newcomers, people with disabilities, youth, gig workers, and social assistance recipients.
- Do you need to pursue skills training?
- We take a look at previous education completed and help you identify if you need skills training.
- Is your chosen program of study in a high-demand field locally?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, a referral to Employment & Training Services (ETS) for Better Jobs Ontario would be appropriate to review eligibility, suitability and financial need.
More information on this and other topics can be found on our Workshops page.
This Employment Ontario project, program or service is funded in part by the Government of Canada.
To learn more about Better Jobs Ontario please visit the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development website.
Your job is out there. We’ll help you find it.