Earth Day Windsor-Essex

Earth Day Windsor-Essex County 2025 logo with drawing of people holding hands around the globe

Tuesday, April 22, 2025, marks the 55th anniversary of Earth Day. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events in more than 192 countries. 

Locally, Windsor-Essex celebrates together on a Sunday close to the international Earth Day. This year, our local event will be on Sunday, April 27, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Games, prizes and free entertainment! Bring your reusable water bottle. 

Get outside and join us at Malden Park, 4200 Malden Road, for a variety of free activities and entertainment. Celebrate by visiting with many of the environmentally conscious organizations in our area. 

More information will be shared soon regarding food vendors, performances and vendors/exhibitors.

Earth Day at Malden Park map 2024


Volunteer signup for Earth Day 2025 is now open. Volunteers, please complete the following form and waiver:

Zero Waste Event - Bring a Water Bottle

Each year, we strive to make Earth Day better, and this year we are upping our standards and aiming for a zero-waste event.

What will this look like?

There will be a central drop-off depot (similar to what you see at the Devonshire Mall food court), where dedicated volunteers will be sorting recyclables and compostables. There will also be volunteer runners picking up waste dropped at waste stations throughout the event area.

However, in order for this to be successful, we are asking all vendors to ensure that any waste generated be recyclable or compostable.

Exhibitor Registration is Now Open

Note: Limited availability for the covered-space option.

  • Registration for 2025 booths is now open.

Exhibitors, please complete the registration form and vendor, exhibitor, performer waiver:

The contact information will be forwarded to Windsor's Central Booking, who will contact you individually, thus avoiding the possibility of waiting on hold for payment. We hope this makes everything smoother.

This year, we are also asking you to submit summary details of your booth, particularly any planned activities. This will help minimize duplication of activities as well as help the organizers navigate attendees on the day of the event.

adults and children gather around festival tents

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, please contact the following:

Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
Phone: (519) 255-6100 ext. 6108

Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA)