Environmental Attitudes with Residents and Staff

Objective E3: Conduct a Regular Survey of Environmental Attitudes with Residents and Staff

The following actions are needed to complete this objective:

  • Conduct an environmental attitudes survey once every four years. Coordinate questions and timing with any other City surveys.
  • Compare the results of the survey and integrate results into the Report on the State of Our Environment.

These indicators show the progress the City is making to achieve this objective:

  • Environmental Awareness Survey (attitudes towards the environment questions)

Attitudes Towards our Environment Indicator

The first City of Windsor Environmental Attitudes Survey was completed in November 2005. A similar study was repeated in 2011, as per the recommendation in the Environmental Master Plan to conduct a regular survey of environmental attitudes with Windsor residents. The findings from the surveys are intended to help the City better understand and assess residents' current attitudes and opinions about Windsor's environment.
To attain statistically defensible results and to reach out to residents who might not otherwise participate in public consultation events, the survey was completed over the telephone. In 2011 and for future surveys, Ipsos Public Affairs was hired to conduct the survey, as they have created a syndicated survey being completed across various municipalities. City of Windsor staff will now be able to compare responses against other municipalities across Canada.

How do Windsor residents feel about the overall quality of the environment?

Graph representing the overall perception of environmental quality by windsor citizens, as summarized below.

As detailed in the chart above, in the 2023 survey, approximately 80% of respondents stated they felt the environment was fair or poor. Only five respondents stated that they felt the environment was excellent. This is up from the 2011 survey, where 64% of respondents stated that they felt the environment was fair or poor. The 2023 survey results have seen a significant shift in the number of people rating the perception of environmental quality as fair or poor compared to higher ratings in previous years.

When compared across various municipalities, these results are quite different than the norm. Most residents feel as though the city they live in has an excellent or good environment (70%).

What are the main environmental concerns of Windsor residents?

The top three responses in 2011 are compared with results from 2005 as well as the municipal norm in the table below.

Rank Top 3 concerns (2011)
Top 3 concerns (2017)Top 3 concerns (2023) Municipal Norm
1 Air Pollution/Quality  Air Quality Air Quality Water pollution/quality/supply
2 Pollution (unspecified)  Pollution (unspecified) Land Use Planning Amount of green space/parks/trees 
3 Water pollution/quality/water supply  Ojibway Nature Complex Natural Areas Air pollution/quality 

Do Windsor residents place a priority on preserving and protecting the local environment?

Graph representing the results of a poll asking windsor citizens how high of a priority environmental protection should be, as summarized below.

As detailed in the chart above, a total of approximately 85% of Windsor residents place a very high or high priority on preserving and protecting the local environment. This helps City Council and administration when making decisions about how our development and operations might affect the environment. This result is similar to the municipal norm. 

Should City time and resources be spent on preserving and protecting the local environment?

Graph representing the perception of the City of windsor's citizens on allocation of resources for environmental preservation and protection, as summarized below.

As detailed in the chart above, only 5% of Windsor residents feel as though the City of Windsor is spending too much time and resources on the environment. 12% feel as though the right amount of resources are being spent, and 74% feel as though there is currently not enough time and resources being spent on preserving and protecting the local environment. 

What is the City of Windsor doing to change attitudes regarding our environment?

  • The Environmental Master Plan (EMP) was developed to set out a series of potential actions for the municipality to take over the short and long term, to improve the city's environment.
  • The City of Windsor is committed to being a leader through its daily actions and services to enhance the environment for present and future generations (Strategic Direction of the EMP).
  • The City of Windsor's Report on the State of our Environment (ROSE) and corresponding website was developed to give accurate and up-to-date information on the City of Windsor's environment.
  • The City of Windsor will pursue partnerships between the City and the community, other governments, and private and voluntary sectors to work toward solutions to environmental challenges and opportunities.
  • The Environmental Attitudes Survey will be completed again in 2021 to measure change in attitudes over time.

What can you do to change attitudes regarding our environment?

  • Learn more about the state of our environment. Read the City of Windsor's ROSE and check this website frequently for updates.
  • Encourage family, friends and coworkers to learn more.
  • Participate in environmental initiatives offered through the City of Windsor or by other community groups.

For more information on environmental initiatives:

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.