Survival Kits and Supplies
72-Hour Emergency Survival Kit Checklist

Four litres of water/day (bottled water). Two litres for drinking and two litres for cooking or washing. Many of us already buy or have a supply of bottled water on hand. Therefore, always keep enough extra water on hand to last for at least three days.
Non-perishable foods such as canned goods: salmon, tuna, canned vegetables and fruits. Other food items such as sugar, coffee, tea, honey and high-energy foods like crackers, peanut butter, and food bars (to be consumed and replaced once/year).
Instant ready-to-eat meals
Dried foods
Small amounts of "comfort food": candy, sweet cereals, chips and cookies
Disposable eating utensils, knives, forks, spoons, cups and plates
Manual can opener and bottle opener
Fuel stove and fuel (never use indoors)
Waterproof matches and plastic garbage bags
Pocket Knife or multi-tool
Window covering (plastic sheeting, duct tape)
Emergency Survival Kit
Flashlight and batteries or crank flashlight
Portable radio and batteries or crank radio
Spare batteries for both
First Aid Kit
Extra Car Keys
Cash on hand (including coins for pay phones)
Important Personal Papers (ID, personal documents such as passports, birth certificates, social insurance numbers, marriage certificates, etc.)
Clothing and Footwear (one extra set)
Sturdy shoes
Heavy gloves
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, pre-moistened wipes, tissues, etc.)
Blankets (Mylar type) or sleeping bags
Any necessary medications (one week's supply on hand plus copies of prescriptions and medical contact information)
Whistle (to attract attention)
Playing cards, games
Something to carry survival kit items in case you have to evacuate