Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund Program

Words, Disaster Mitigation and Infrastructure Enhancement Initiative $32.1 million, with Canada and City of Windsor logos

Communities across Canada have experienced – and will continue to experience – significant weather-related events or disasters triggered by climate change. The impacts of climate change are evident, including observed changes in air temperature, precipitation, snow and ice cover and others.

In 2018, the Government of Canada launched the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF), committing $2 billion over 10 years to invest in structural and natural infrastructure projects to increase the resilience of communities that are impacted by natural disasters triggered by climate change.

The DMAF program involves a series of projects, including studies, environmental assessments, road works, sewer works, stormwater management works and pumping station works to address areas in the city prone to flooding, drainage complications and overall storm sewer capacity issues.

The series of projects that make up the DMAF program are aimed at reducing the likelihood of future flooding in the city of Windsor. The program addresses geographical low-lying areas, areas with drainage complications, and areas with overall storm sewer capacity concerns.

A list of the individual projects that make up the DMAF program is below:

Investing in Canada logo and hashtag #BuildBackBetter

Government of Canada Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) Page

Completed Projects:

  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment & Climate Change Study
  • Matthew Brady Boulevard, Phase 2
  • Belle Isle View Boulevard, Phase 1
  • Belle Isle View Boulevard, Phase 2
  • Tranby Avenue Reconstruction
  • Tranby Park Stormwater Management
  • Eastlawn Boulevard
  • Little River Overflow at Pontiac Pumping Station Improvements Environmental Assessment

Active and Future Projects:

  • Matthew Brady Boulevard Phase 3
  • Belleperche Trunk Sewer
  • St. Paul Pumping Station Expansion
  • East Marsh Pumping Station Improvements
  • Riverside/Vista Relief Storage, Phase 2A
  • Flow Monitoring Program
  • Brumpton Park Storage
  • Little River Overflow at Pontiac Pumping Station Improvements

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.

For detailed inquiries, please contact:

Sonia Bajaj
Project Administrator
Phone: (519) 255-6100 ext. 6004
Email: sbajaj@citywindsor.ca

For general information, call 311.