Residential Permit Parking

Effective immediately, we are now accepting documents for residential parking permits to be sent to our email at for pre-approval. You will be required to submit all required documents listed below to apply. We will respond within three business days if you have been approved or not. If approved, you will be contacted with further details for the collection of these permits. Please note that permits are not guaranteed and will be process in conjunction with in-person visits. If you have further questions, please contact us by phone or email.

  • The Parking Enforcement Office is responsible for administering the residential permit parking program.
  • This program is implemented in various areas of the city where institutions impact on the surrounding residential areas. See additional info on parking controls on our On-Street Parking page.
  • Residential parking permits can be obtained at the Parking Enforcement Office listed at the bottom of this page.
  • A maximum of two residential vehicle permits can be provided to each household.
  • Residential vehicle permits are permits that are specific to a licence plate. Ownership must be provided.
  • A property owner who does not live at the house is entitled to purchase one residential vehicle permit. Proof of ownership, such as a copy of the deed or municipal tax bill is required. This is not included in the limit of two per household. Driver's licence and vehicle ownership are also required to obtain this permit. Address should match the mailing address on the deed or municipal tax bill.
  • Effective, March 1, 2025, the cost of the first and second residential vehicle permit is $36.50. The vehicle for the second permit must be registered to the same owner as the first permit holder for the requested address. These fees are per contract, not by household.
  • Effective, March 1, 2025, a visitor permit, to be used in the immediate vicinity of the purchasing address, may be purchased for $36.50.
  • If permit is plate specific, vehicle ownership must be provided.
  • The following identification must be brought in when purchasing residential parking permits (no exceptions. Electronic copies of documentation will not be accepted as of September 1, 2021):

    • Landlord (owns property but does not reside at address that required permit):
      • Current tax statement (that states you own property)
      • Valid driver's licence (that matches mailing address on tax statement)
      • Vehicle ownership (that matches mailing address on tax statement)
        • Note: Landlords/owners who do not reside at address are only permitted to get a vehicle-specific permit and are not permitted to get a visitor permit.
    • Resident (owns and resides at address that requires permit):
      • Valid driver's licence (that states your name and address that requires the permit)
      • Vehicle ownership (that states your name and address that requires the permit)
      • Current tax statement (that states your name and address that requires the permit)
        • Note: If only a visitor permit is requested - ownership is not needed; however, a current bill for hydro, water, utilities, phone or internet would be required with your name/address on it.
    • Renter/Tenant:
      • Valid driver's licence (that states your name and address that requires the permit)
      • Vehicle ownership (that states your name and address that requires the permit)
      • Valid lease agreement (with current month rent receipt - not monthly breakdown)
        • Note: If only a visitor permit is requested - ownership is not needed, however a current bill for hydro, water, utilities, phone or internet would be required with your name/address on it.
        • Sublet/subtenants are not permitted to obtain permits; renters/tenants must have agreement with the property owner, not another renter/tenant
        • Month-to-Month Tenants: If you do not want to come each month, landlords would need to provide a letter that states the tenant's name, property address and expected date tenant will be living at address until. The letter should be dated and signed by the owner with copy of business card or driver's licence. Owner mailing address for property should also be listed on the letter.
    • Students:
      • Valid driver's licence
      • Vehicle ownership
      • Valid lease agreement (with current month rent receipt - not monthly breakdown)
      • Valid proof of enrolment to the school attending (must list the address that requires parking permit)
        • Note: If only a visitor permit is requested - ownership is not needed, however a current bill for hydro, water, utilities, phone or internet would be required with your name/address on it.
        • Month-to-Month Tenants: If you do not want to come each month, landlords would need to provide a letter that states the tenant's name, property address and expected date tenant will be living at address until. The letter should be dated and signed by the owner with copy of business card or driver's licence. Owner mailing address for property should also be listed on the letter
  • Please Note:
    • No electronic copies of documentation will be accepted!
    • Original ownerships with validation stickers on back if paperwork is expired.
  • If you are a new resident, please make sure that the property owner/landlord provides documentation to let the Parking Enforcement office know that the previous tenants have moved out. This can be done in writing with a letter that clearly states owner/landlord contact information and previous tenants by name.
  • If a representative is coming on behalf of an applicant, a written consent stating that the applicant has authorized the representative (with name and contact information) to pick up their permits on their behalf must be provided.
  • The fee to replace a lost or stolen permit is $36.50. A request for a new permit must be accompanied by a Windsor Police Department report number.
  • Any misuse or selling of any residential permits will result in the permit being revoked permanently from the address and difficulty with possible future purchases.
  • Courtesy permits valid for up to five days may be obtained to provide parking for guests. These permits are only available after a visitor permit has been purchased for the address.
  • Administrative discretion can be used for any permit purchase, including previous years' complaints.

For questions or more information, please contact:

Parking Enforcement Office
1266 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario
N8X 3M7

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-6298, email or fax (519) 255-9467

Hours for Residential Permits: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)