Sign By-law

Commercial signs along Riverside DriveThe purpose of the Sign By-law 250-2004 (see Building and Planning By-laws Online) is to:

  • Permit the effective use of signs as a means of communication
  • Encourage signs which are pleasing to the eye in terms of colour, size, design and location
  • Minimize the possibility of hazards to life or property
  • Ensure signs do not compromise traffic safety
  • Minimize the adverse impact on nearby public and private property
  • Enable the fair and consistent enforcement of detailed sign regulations

Pursuant to Section 99 of the Planning Act, the City of Windsor's current Sign By-law regulates the erection, placement, alteration, maintenance, demolition and removal of a sign, signboard, advertisement, advertising device or structure, or any class thereof.

An application for a permit must be made to the Building Department in order to construct, alter, repair, or relocate a sign as indicated in the by-law. There are certain signs that do not require a permit. All applicants are advised to see a Customer Service Representative in the Building Department prior to the submission of applications. In some cases, a planner may be consulted to determine the impact of the proposed signs on the surrounding areas.

If a proposed sign is not permitted or does not comply with the regulations of the Sign By-law, the owner may apply for an amendment to the Sign By-law. Council will consider an amendment if the proposed sign is allowed by the Official Plan and conforms to relevant Official Plan policies and the overall intent of the Sign By-law.

  • Application for Sign By-law Amendment can be downloaded from Building & Development Department. 
  • For Sign By-law Amendment, please consult a planner in the Building & Development Department. Application forms are available online.

For further information, please contact:

Planning & Building Services Department
350 City Hall Square West, 2nd Floor
P. O. Box 1607
Windsor, Ontario

N9A 6S1

For general information, call 311.
For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6267.