Ancient Jesuit Pear Tree

These Jesuit Pear Trees, located in the Maison François Baby House garden and Dieppe Gardens park, are descendants of trees brought from France by the Jesuit Missionaries in the early eighteenth century. These trees marked the location of early French settlements within Canada. Although historically common to the region, Jesuit Pear Trees are becoming rare. Since 2001, this species has been recognized as the symbol of the Detroit region’s French speaking community, which is now focused around the region of Windsor.
Etched on stone in Dieppe Gardens:
Ancient Jesuit Pear Trees
In June 1749 the south shore's first settler, Charles
Chauvin, planted near this spot 12 Jesuit Pear
Trees imported from his native France - one for
each of the Apostles of Christ.
Graftings from those ancient trees, which survive
nearby, provided the three saplings planted here -
one for each century of the Windsor Detroit tri-
centennial celebration.
The hardy high-yielding tress, unique in North
America, are appropriate symbols of the enduring
spirit, endurance, and productivity of this
community.Donated by the Chauvin Family Association