Caron Avenue Site EOI Launched, More Lands Identified to Make Ready for “Housing Solutions Made for Windsor”


Mayor Drew Dilkens, along with members of City Council and City administration, launched the Caron Avenue Site Expression of Interest (EOI) today as part of the City of Windsor’s Housing Solutions Made for Windsor strategy. 

First unveiled in March of 2024, the overall strategy aims to increase the supply of housing and meet aggressive housing targets for the community by identifying and making shovel ready various municipal lands with high potential for residential development. 

At the time of the program launch, four municipal properties were identified as possessing significant and immediate potential for development covering all types of housing needs, including affordable housing, and missing middle housing. These included the former Lowe Secondary School site, Caron Avenue Parking Lot, Pelissier Street Parking Lot, and Roseland Golf Club Parking Lot. 

Today’s announcement of the Caron Avenue Site EOI represents the first of several opportunities to support evolving housing needs in the community. The EOI invites developers and proponents to submit comprehensive proposals that align with Windsor’s vision of smart housing solutions for sustainable, inclusive, and community-oriented development. Proposals will be accepted through the EOI from Friday, May 31, 2024, through Friday, August 23, 2024, with all relevant information available at

Additional Available Municipal Lands Announced

In addition to launching the Caron Avenue Site EOI, the City announced additional municipal lands identified for development at this time, including the following sites:

  • Former Windsor Arena – 572 McDougall Street
  • Former Grace Hospital Site – 339 Crawford Avenue

The addition of these two properties brings the total list of municipal lands available for residential development to six properties. The City will also continue to review additional available municipal lands to identify further opportunities to support evolving housing needs and smart housing solutions in Windsor.


“Windsorites deserve Housing Solutions Made for Windsor. The launch of the Caron Avenue Site EOI represents a significant step in Windsor’s proactive approach to smart housing solutions, with the site offering a unique opportunity for high-density residential and mixed-use development. The initiative highlights the City’s commitment to sustainable growth, economic diversification, and enhancing the quality of life for residents. Additionally, developments at this site align with our ‘Strengthen the Core: Downtown Windsor Revitalization Plan’ and efforts to make our downtown safe, clean, and attractive for new investments, businesses, and residents. This EOI is the first among several planned developments, signalling an ongoing investment in Building Windsor’s Future, and underscoring the City’s support for innovative and community-focused development projects.” - Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens

“Every step we take to Strengthen the Core has positive ripple effects on our entire community. We need more investment, more business, more residents, more visitors, and more opportunities for people to see Downtown Windsor as a viable place to live, work, play, visit and invest. The launch of the Caron Avenue Site EOI, and the announcement of these two additional sites ready for development, both in prime locations in the core, show how fast we are moving to make a difference where it is needed, and how hard we’re working to leverage every opportunity and meet every challenge ahead of us.” - Councillor Renaldo Agostino, Ward 3

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