Notice of Motion
The following will be considered at the February 10, 2025 Council meeting:
Moved by: Councillor Kieran McKenzieSeconded by: Councillor Fabio Costante
That Given the significant challenges municipalities across Ontario including the City of Windsor, face in addressing Housing, Homelessness, Mental Health and Addiction in the communities we serve; and, Recognizing the major obstacles faced by municipalities including Windsor to provide supportive housing and the resulting Homelessness and Encampment crisis in municipalities across Ontario; and,
Noting that the Auditor General of Ontario has recently concluded that the Government of Ontario’s Opioid Strategy does not have efficient, effective or adequate processes in place to address the crisis, an analysis accepted by the Ontario Ministry of Health; and, Given the comprehensive, robust, objective, inclusive and data-driven analysis undertaken by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), representing over 400 municipalities across Ontario, on the full suite of issues cited above including the unprecedented proliferation of Encampments across the province of Ontario:
That Windsor City Council ENDORSE the AMO Policy Update on Encampments and the Opioid Crisis along with the supporting documents: Homeless Encampments in Ontario: A Municipal Perspective and The Opioid Crisis: A Municipal Perspective; and further,
That Council CALLS UPON the Government of Ontario TO ADDRESS the issues cited above by implementing the recommendation proposed by AMO in the documents referenced in this motion; and,
That Council DIRECT Administration to apprise through direct correspondence the Premier and all relevant Provincial Ministers, as well as, all local representatives elected to Senior Levels of Government, the County of Essex and the Municipal Councils in Essex County of the passing of this motion.Clerk’s Notes:
1. The above-referenced notice of motion was moved and seconded and was considered by City Council at its meeting held December 9, 2024. At that meeting, Council ultimately adopted the following:Seconded by: Councillor Renaldo Agostino
Decision Number: CR539/2024 That consideration of the following Notice of Motion introduced by Councillor Kieran McKenzie at the December 9, 2024 meeting of Council, BE REFERRED back to administration for a thorough report back to a future meeting of Council regarding the implications of supporting AMO’s recommendations and the implications of using the notwithstanding clause and to allow for consultation with stakeholders.
Councillors Kieran McKenzie, Fabio Costante and Fred Francis voting nay.
2. The administrative report linked below is in response to Council’s direction from December 9, 2024, as additional information:
AMO Reports on the Opioid Crisis & Homeless Encampments A Municipal Perspective – City Wide
This page will be updated only when a City Councillor gives notice of a motion for discussion and/or debate at a future Windsor City Council meeting.
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N9A 6S1
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