Supporting Documents

Licensing forms

Application form

  • Collects information about:
    • The individual applying for the licence
    • The dwelling unit being licensed
    • The property's ownership
    • Other people who are responsible for the property
  • Includes a list of supporting documentation that must be provided when applying for a Residential Rental licence
  • Can mostly be completed electronically, but must be printed and signed by the applicant before being submitted

Property standards and safety checklist

  • Collects information to monitor and evaluate the condition of a property
  • Provides a plain-language summary of the conditions that should be present for a property to pass Fire and Building on-site inspections
  • Should be printed and signed by the applicant or their authorized agent and submitted with the application form

Sample documents

Sample Licensed Electrical Contracting (LEC) Business Electrical System Safety Assessment (ESSA) letter

  • Example of the letter a property owner would receive from an LEC after an electrician performs an ESSA
  • Highlights key information a letter should include to satisfy licence requirements
  • You can find an LEC business using the Electrical Safety Authority's Contractor Locator.

Additional information

Decision chart - Does my property need a licence?

  • Illustrates a series of questions property owners can ask themselves to determine if their property requires a Residential Rental licence