Housing and Childrens Services
- Administers Social Housing Program requirements and funding for 8,750 units including over 40 social housing providers in Windsor and Essex County
- Administers various programs related to homelessness
- Works with residents in Emergency Hostels and Lodging Homes to ensure basic needs are met and assists with transition back into community
- Serves as lead for Social Services in implementation of the Emergency Social Services Response Plan and Evacuation Centre Plan
For more information see Social Housing or Housing with Supports and Homelessness Prevention.
Housing Services / Housing Support Services
P.O. Box 428, Station A
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6L7
P.O. Box 428, Station A
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6L7
Phone: For general inquiries call 311. For detailed inquiries call 519-255-5200 ext. 6240
Fax: 519-256-7107
Fax: 519-256-7107
Email: sshousing@citywindsor.ca
Children's Services
The City of Windsor, as the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager, is responsible for planning and managing the delivery of community-based early years programs and services for children from pre-natal to 12 years of age within Windsor-Essex.
Please visit Children's Services for more information.
Children's Services
P.O. Box 426, Station A
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6L7
Phone: 519-255-5312
Fax: 519-255-5303
Email: childcare@citywindsor.ca