Notice of Motion
This page will be updated only when a City Councillor gives notice of a motion for discussion and/or debate at a future Windsor City Council meeting.
Moved by: Councillor Kieran McKenzie
Seconded by: Councillor _______________
That Given the need for the City of Windsor to have autonomy to create a transportation network that meets the needs of our community; and,
Since unwarranted meddling and unnecessary oversight from Bureaucrats and Politicians at Queen's Park in developing and implementing transportation infrastructure at the municipal level, during a period of unprecedented local growth increases red tape causing administrative delays and adds financial burden reducing municipal capacity to address other pressing issues in our community; and
Recognizing that the City, its residents, administrators and locally elected officials understand our community, its needs, its culture and strategic direction far better than people working in Queen's Park and therefore must continue to be empowered to make decisions that respond to local needs and priorities; and,
Understanding that Active Transportation infrastructure has the dual benefit of reducing traffic congestion and improving road safety for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike; and,
That Council DIRECT Administration, for the reasons cited above, to express to the Government of Ontario, on its behalf, its opposition to the measures outlined in Bill 212, the so-called Reducing Gridlock and Saving You Time Act with a specific emphasis on any measure that would curtail Municipal Authority to design and implement transportation infrastructure within the City of Windsor.
Moved by: Councillor Renaldo Agostino
Seconded by: Councillor _____________________
THAT Parking By-Law 9023 BE AMENDED for Lots 16, 5, and 34 as follows:
- Removal of 3-hour maximum parking time limit;
- Removal of 6pm to midnight flat fee replacing with per hour parking fee; and,
THAT the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the Parking By-Law 9023.
Clerk’s Note: Reports SCM 89/2024, S 35/2024 & AI 18/2024 (attached) as background information
Suite 530 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
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