Consolidated Linear Infrastructure - Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA) Applications for Municipal Sewage Collection Systems and Municipal Stormwater Management Systems

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) recently introduced a new approach to the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) application process, now called the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure - Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA). This approach is meant to streamline ECA applications for municipalities, developers, and the ministry while ensuring consistent requirements that improve environmental protection are met. The MECP issued the City of Windsor’s CLI-ECA on March 3, 2023, which gives approval authority to the City of Windsor for these approvals. The Transfer of Review (ToR) ECA process has been retired.

When is a CLI-ECA approval required?

A CLI-ECA approval is required if the project includes changes to the City of Windsor’s sewage collection system and/or stormwater management system, such as the following:

  1. Additions, modifications, replacements and/or extensions of new sanitary and storm sewers, including extensions into new residential developments
  2. Adding new sewage pump stations or modifying existing sewage pumping stations
  3. Adding new stormwater management (SWM) facilities or modifying existing facilities (e.g., wet pond, dry ponds, infiltration basins, low impact development [LID] facilities, etc.) and/or manufactured treatment devices (e.g., oil-grit separator unit) that will service a new subdivision development
  4. Adding new or modifying existing equipment with emissions to air (e.g., emergency power generators or venting for odour control)

For changes that do not meet the conditions of the CLI-ECA Agreements, applicants will require a separate direct application to the ministry for changes such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • Municipally, or privately owned stormwater works on industrial, commercial, or institutional land (storm sewers or stormwater management facilities)
  • Stormwater alterations serving a single parcel of land, unless the stormwater management facility is located on a municipally owned park or community centre
  • A storm sewer with a nominal diameter greater than 2,400 millimeters, or equivalent sizing
  • A sanitary sewer with a nominal diameter greater than 750 millimeters
  • A forcemain with a nominal diameter greater than 350 millimeters
  • A combined sewer or partially separated sewer
  • A sanitary sewer that creates a new discharge point to the natural environment

If the work qualifies for direct submission to the MECP, refer to the Ministry’s Guide to applying for an environmental compliance approval.

Certain routine and lower-risk activities require applicants to register online in the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR). In these cases, an ECA is not required. To find out when to apply for an ECA or when to self-register for an EASR, check the ministry’s website or contact them directly:

Before you apply for an approval

All development applications must first go through the City’s Development Review regardless of the applicable ECA/EASR process.

Note: To facilitate final approval, it is advised that the requirements of the CLI-ECA SWM application are incorporated into the design during the City’s Development Review for preliminary screening.

Design Standards and Guidelines

All designs must meet the City’s standards and guidelines found here Builders and Developers in addition to the list below:

Overall Design

Designs must reflect the most conservative of the standards and guidelines listed above. Use of standards and guidelines other than those listed must be justified in the design report/brief (with sources cited) and may require a Direct ECA Submission to the Ministry.

The publications mentioned above are updated from time to time. Applicants are encouraged to obtain publications directly from the MECP, TRCA, CSA and CVC websites. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the most up-to-date version of the design standards and guidelines are referenced.

Approval Application

Approval Checklist

In addition to stamped design documents (report/brief, drawings, design sheets), supporting documentation is required for a complete application as outlined in the CLI-ECA Application Checklist. This checklist must be completed and submitted with all applications.

Application Fee

For fees related to the CLI-ECA application, please see Application Fee Schedule.

Approval Application Forms

In addition to stamped design documents (report/brief, drawings, design sheets) and the documentation outlined in the CLI-ECA Application Checklist, the design engineer is required to complete the appropriate permit application forms from the list below:

Municipal sewage collection system:

Municipal stormwater management system:

The design engineer will need to complete and sign parts 1, 2, and 3 of the application forms with their final CLI-ECA submission. Part 4 will be completed by the City, as owner of the municipal sewage collection system or municipal stormwater management system, once the reviewer has confirmed the application is complete and acceptable. See the section below for further details on the Technical Review Process. Part 5 of the application form is not to be completed during the design phase. This will be completed by the City after construction has been completed in accordance with the approved design. Parts 1 to 4 must be completed before starting the alternation.

Technical Review Process

A detailed technical review is required to assess the following:

  • Completeness and adequacy of the submitted detailed design and other supporting information
  • Compliance of the application with design standards and guidelines, terms, and conditions of the City’s CLI-ECA agreements
  • Conformance with the principles of sound engineering to evaluate the impacts of the proposed works on the municipal sewage collection and/or stormwater management system

In the process of the detailed review, it may be determined that more information is necessary for proper assessment of the application. The reviewer will request more information from the applicant and/or the applicant’s agent.

After the detailed technical review is complete, when all outstanding issues have been addressed and CLI-ECA sewage collection and/or stormwater management system permit application forms (parts 1, 2 and 3) have been completed and signed by the design engineer (see section above), the reviewer will forward the application to the City’s signing authority. Once approved by the signing authority, an electronic copy of the permit form is forwarded to the applicant, the design engineer, and the City development approvals manager.

The issuing of this approval does not negate the requirements of other regulatory agencies, which may include the following:

  • Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry,
  • Essex Region Conservation,
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
  • Transport Canada, and
  • Other agencies as required.

Application Submission

  • The CLI-ECA application must be submitted by email to:
    Corporation of the City of Windsor
    Engineering - Design
    Subject: CLI-ECA Application – [Insert project name and/or address]
    Carbon copy (Cc):
  • Questions regarding the CLI-ECA application can be directed to:
    Adam Mourad, P. Eng.
    Engineer III – Design Standards Lead
    Engineering - Design
    (519) 255-6100, Ext. 6114