Accessibility Policy and Accessibility Procedures

Making services accessible to all customers is important. The City of Windsor is committed to ensuring persons with disabilities have access to the goods and services we provide, as outlined in our Respectful Workplace Policy (includes Accessibility Policy) and City of Windsor Accessibility Procedures. Our services will be provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities:

  • Persons with disabilities may use personal assistive devices and/or support persons in the access of goods and services.
  • Fees for support persons are located wherever fees are posted.

If you require an alternate format or communication supports to access these documents please contact the diversity and accessibility officer for assistance:

The Accessibility and Diversity Officer
Suite 408, 400 City Hall Square East
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 7K6
Bell Relay Service is available to assist in placing a call from customers who use a TTY/teletypewriter. For TTY, type 711 for the operator, and by telephone, dial 1-800-855-0511.