6412 & 6560 Tecumseh Road East, 0 Catherine Street

File No: OPA 192 OPA/7265 & Z-042/24 ZNG/7264
Applicant: Rock Developments East Windsor Inc.
Agent: Pillon Abbs Inc. (Tracey Pillon-Abbs, RPP - tracey@pillonabbs.ca)

 All drawings are conceptual and subject to change. The development as proposed is subject to Site Plan Control.

The subject lands are designated Business Park and Mixed Use Centre on Schedule FGN-2: Land Use Plan in the Forest Glade North Secondary Plan in the Official Plan and zoned Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) and Holding Manufacturing District 1.4 (HMD1.4) by Zoning By-law 8600.

Develop the subject lands for commercial purposes consisting of approximately 24,428 metres squared GFA over multiple commercial pads, including a gas bar in multiple phases. Phase 1 consists of a 15,071 metres squared building with a gas bar. Phase 2 proposal is 9,537 metres squared in a separate building.  All buildings will be one-storey in height. A total of 1,385 parking spaces (Phase 1: 967 spaces; Phase 2: 418 spaces) and two access areas to an extended Catharine Street are proposed. A Stormwater Facility is proposed at the north end of the lands. 

The Applicant is requesting an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) to allow commercial uses as additional permitted uses.

Associated Documents:

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Adam Szymczak
Senior Planner - Development
Planning & Development Services

350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1

Email: aszymczak@citywindsor.ca
Phone: 519-255-6543 x6250
Fax: 519-255-6544