Commemorative Tree Program

Commemorative Tree with Plaque in a Riverfront Park with Riverboat in backgroundCommemorative Tree with Plaque Close-Up

Trees are living, growing, renewing and majestic. As part of our global awareness of the environment, trees (particularly the urban forest) play a very significant role. The Commemorative Tree Program, administered by Parks and Recreation, allows you to participate in a very special way in the greening of our city. For a very reasonable fee, you may purchase a tree to be planted in City parkland and maintained by City personnel. 

A commemorative tree may be purchased in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a marriage or birth, to honour a retiree, as a gift for a graduating student, or for any other special occasion.

The tree will be planted in an appropriate site, as chosen by the Manager of Forestry and Horticulture, and can additionally be marked with an engraved plaque (optional).

Purchase a Commemorative Tree

Applications for commemorative trees are accepted throughout the year, and trees are planted as climate conditions permit. Applicants for commemorative trees may choose from a variety of trees. These trees have been specially chosen for their growth potential in Windsor and as complements to the existing urban forest. All costs of planting a commemorative tree are borne by the applicant.

The current cost, which includes the tree, planting, and initial watering, is $700.40.

An optional flush-mounted plaque suitable for inscription is available for an additional $1,030 (total $1,730.40 for tree and bronze plaque). 

Prices subject to change.

Trees are City property, and as such, will be maintained by the City.

Make a Donation

In addition to our commemorative tree program, cash donations (tax-deductible) are accepted to help defray the costs of planting and maintaining trees throughout the city. Please feel free to contribute whatever you feel is appropriate (minimum $25). Cheques should be made payable to the City of Windsor and clearly marked for Forestry.

To order: Please print and complete the Commemorative Tree Brochure and mail along with cheque payment or credit card number to:

Parks and Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N8X 3N6
Telephone: (519) 253-2300 ext. 2706
Fax: (519) 255-7990

For general information, please call 311.

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