Sea Land Air

Sea, Land, Air

War Pensioners of Canada, Rose City Branch; Korean Veteran Association of Canada, Unit No. 29 Windsor
Sea, Land, Air, 1997-98
Bronze, granite, 115 x 61 x 47 cenimetres each

Bronze plaque, Sea inscription:

Lest we forget
WWI 1914-1918
WWII 1939-1945
War Pensioners of Canada
Rose City Branch
Dedicated this 8th day of May 1998
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
The City of Roses

Bronze plaque, Land inscription:

Lest we forget our departed comrades
Their memory is as dear today
as in the hour they passed away
We shall remember them
War Pensioners of Canada
Rose City Branch
Dedicated theis 6th day of June 1997
Windsor Ontario Canada
The City of Roses

Bronze plaque, Air inscription:

Dedicated in honour to those who
paid the supreme sacrifice and to
those who served in the Korean War
from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953
Erected by the Korea Veteran
Association of Canada
Unit No. 29 Windsor
Dedicated on July 26, 1998

Sea, Land, Air Sea, Land, Air Sea, Land, Air Sea, Land, Air